About Us
The Santa Anita A’s is an organization dedicated to the restoration, preservation and enjoyment of the Model A Ford. It provides the opportunity for its members to enjoy a wide range of activities all focused on the Model A Ford. Our goal is to educate the public about the Model A’s and have fun while doing it.
The Santa Anita A’s is a non-profit organization located in Arcadia, California with its membership coming primarily from the San Gabriel Valley.
History – The Santa Anita A’s Model A club was formed by a group of 12 people and became a chartered member of MAFCA (Model A Ford Club of America) in May of 1975. The club quickly expanded to over 100 individuals within one year. Four of the original charter members are still members of the Santa Anita A’s.
Members – Our membership totals 111 families and individuals. Membership includes about an equal number of men and women, who range in age from too young for a driver’s license to some older people estimated to be over 80. Although we have many technically oriented members, others simply enjoy the social part of our club and driving their cars.
The Santa Anita A’s are involved in a wide range of activities designed to provide interesting activities for all its members.
Touring – One-day tours to local places of interest are usually scheduled every month. Routes for these tours are designed to provide interesting, non-freeway driving and typically include rest stops and lunch. Longer tours (2-7 days) are scheduled several times a year. These tours have taken us to Carmel, the wine country, San Diego, Death Valley and Big Bear. Some members are also members of the Model A Touring Club (MATC), an organization which schedules Model A tours throughout the U.S. and overseas.
Shows & Events – Throughout the year we participate in various car shows and special events. We participate in several annual events like the South Pasadena 4th of July parade.
Social – In addition to tours, car shows and special events, we schedule social events such as our annual installation banquet, holiday parties and the “Mom & Pop’s Night Out” where we typically attend a dinner show or performance.
A men’s breakfast is scheduled for the third Thursday of every month where they talk mostly about Model A’s. A ladies’ brunch is scheduled the second Monday of every month where they talk about everything except Model A’s.
Youth Support – Our members actively reach out to youth groups and introduce them to the Model A hobby. This includes using our vehicles for half-time activities at local high school football games and participating in the annual San Gabriel Boy Scouts car show.
National Organization – The Santa Anita A’s Model A club is a chartered member of a national Model A organization, the Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA). This organization has approximately 300 chapters with 14,000 members. It is the largest club in the world dedicated to one make of automobile.
Santa Anita A’s club members are strongly encouraged to join MAFCA. Although our club does not have this as a requirement for membership, we want to support the national organization which provides insurance and other benefits for our local club. MAFCA members receive a bi-monthly magazine,The Restorer, which includes interesting Model A stories and technical articles.
Meetings – Our general membership meetings are held on the last Friday of every month, except in December when we have our holiday party. At each meeting we have a guest speaker who presents a program on a subject of interest to the members. Afterwards there is a raffle for the ladies and men, along with homemade refreshments.
Meetings are held at The Church of the Good Shepard, and is located at 400 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia CA, at the corner of Duarte and Holly in Temple.
Tech Support –
One important benefit of club membership is the support you receive from other members in keeping your Model A running well. Both formal and informal technical help is available from other members who are well versed on Model A mechanics.
Technical Seminars – Periodically “tech seminars” are held to provide information on servicing or installing specific parts of the Model A. A group called the “Low End Boys” will provide hands-on help to assist you with repairs if needed. A technical director is available to help with technical advice and direction.
How to become a member – We welcome you to get acquainted with us by coming to one of our meetings, or participating in one of our events. We invite you to go to review this web site where you will be able to learn more about our club and read some of our monthly newsletters.
Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in Model A Fords and wants to participate in the club activities. Owning a Model A is not a requirement. Membership is by family and includes both you, your spouse and any children under 18.
Dues are $40.00 per year for you and your spouse (see note **). Your first year’s dues also includes a name badge for both of you.
** (People joining in December, ($40.00) will have their dues applied to the following year; $ 40:00 thru June, $20:00 July thru end of year) **
* The Santa Anita A’s encourage you to join the Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA). However, it is not required. Membership in MAFCA does entitle you to an annual subscription to the award winning ‘Restorer’ Magazine.
SANTA ANITA A’s Membership Name Badges:
Your name badge will be provided by the Club as part of your membership. Wearing it to our general monthly meeting, entitles you to be in the badge drawing for a prize.
Here are the forms and payment information if you or anyone you know, wants to join the Club and the fun!
Santa Anita A’s CLUB APPLICATION_2025
We encourage everyone to join our national organization, the Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA) at the same time you join the Santa Anita A’s.
Please print out and return the application, ( both pages ) to the Membership Chairman, along with a check, made out to the Santa Anita A’s for the total amount (SANTA ANITA A’s Yearly Dues: $ 40:00 thru June, $20:00 July thru end of year, MAFCA is $50) **
Randy Harper
308 E. Hillcrest Bl.
Monrovia, CA 91016
Email: randy308@earthlink.net